"Enhancing Energy Efficiency through Process Fluctuation Assessment and Control System Optimisation"
– Latest Developments & Case Studies –
Purpose: Fluctuations are efficiency limiting anomalies in any process plant. Operational settings are initialized and parameters are best set during commissioning/upgradation. These settings do not stay optimum due to changing process conditions and hence most processes do not run stable or efficient in AUTO mode. Equipment malfunctioning, unsettling feeders/actuator operations, sub-optimal control systems, large dead times, restricting operational limits, external disturbances are some of the reasons for fluctuations in process output, energy consumption, product quality, emission levels and so on. Hence it is important for all the process/instrumentation engineers to continuously monitor the performance and tune the control systems for optimum performance. This program aims to provide basic training and develop skills for the fluctuation assessment and mitigation.
Understanding Process Fluctuations & Reasons for Low Performance
Program Contents
Review of Fluctuations in cement process affecting energy efficiency.
Importance and Challenges of Managing Process Disturbances.
Basics of Process Control Systems and Recent Developments.
Control System Configurations and Settings.
Performance Monitoring (7 Different Measures).
Performance Assessment (10 Different Reasons).
PID Controller Tuning (2 Different Methods).
Case studies from different CEMENT Process Plants (FIVE examples).
Target Audience : Process Engineers, Instrument Engineers, Energy Managers, Supervisors associated with different departments of Cement Operations. No restriction on number of participants.
Focus Industries: Cement, Mineral/Metal Processing (Zn, Pb, Al, Steel), Ceramics/Glass, Fertilizer, Sugar & Allied, Paper & Pulp, Pharmaceuticals, Power Plants.
Resource Person::
Raghuraj K. Rao (PhD – NUS Singapore, M.Tech. – IIT Bombay, B.Engg. – NITK)20+ Years of Industrial Experience. :: Specialises in data driven process monitoring, control and optimisation) https://www.linkedin.com/in/raghuraj-k-rao-6547a14/
Dr. Lister Falleiro (PhD - Chemical, NITK Surathkal) : 15+ Years of Industrial + Academic Experience in India. :: Specializes in Design, Project Management, Root cause assessment, Process optimization.
Mr. Manish Patil (B.E.- Chemical) : 20+ Years of Industrial Experience in India . :: Specializes in Trouble shooting, Fluctuation assessment, Process optimization